Our Team


Chera Faulkner

President/ CEO

Chera is the founder of Project S.H.A.R.E.. She has background in education, applied behavioral analysis, mindfulness/meditation,  and financial service. Her rationale for founding Project S.H.A.R.E. stems from her experiences through which she forged her expertise in empowering youth.  She does so by building relationships through continuous conversational methods as well as imparting skills and knowledge which help urban youth envision and pursue self-mastery.


Keevan Dantzler


Keevan is the Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer of Project S.H.A.R.E.. Growing up on the southeast side of Chicago (primarily in the South Deering community) Keevan has had a first hand experience of the many issues that plague the inner city. Keevan has dedicated his life to serving neglected communities. Keevan is a modern day “renaissance man” and serial entrepreneur, with an extensive professional background in management, marketing, program development, strategic planning & execution, and operational logistics for grass root organizations and startups.